Monday, February 24, 2014

A soft heart

Yesterday we spent the afternoon with a small group of people from our church that we meet with pretty regularly. We call this our "home group" and we get together to do a study, encourage one another and eat some good food. As we wrap up our time together we gather in a circle and each take our turn praying. When it was my turn to pray I found myself so broken up with thankfulness for these people that I could barely speak.

I like to think of myself as a pretty tough guy. I can smash my fingers, cut myself, break bones and generally have a pretty high pain tolerance, but when it comes to my heart I'm a bowl of mush. Get me talking about my family, close friends and especially how thankful I am for what Jesus Christ did for me and I'll soon be shedding tears. This morning I am reminded that a soft heart is something to be very thankful for, even if it makes me look silly sometimes. Friends, don't let your heart be hard. A truly thankful and humble heart will ensure it stays soft and will draw you closer to God.

Psalm 100:4 says "We enter his gates with thanksgiving in our hearts, we enter his courts with praise.

1 comment:

  1. It is such a shame that we as men have been taught the soft heart is a weakness. It is really a strength. Thanks Matt for this great reminder!
